The Best Vegan Candy List

The Best Vegan Candy List

Remember, not all candies are vegan. If you want vegan candy, stay away from bone char, carmine, gelatin, and shellac. 

To help you have some great vegan cruelty-free candies, check out this vegan candy list we've made for you; everything is available on Amazon:

Images courtesy of Prices and availability are subject to change.

1. Airheads: you get full size bars in 6 different flavors; perfect for sharing!

60 bars | $7.98

Airheards vegan candy

2. Chick-o-Sticks: a classic peanut butter and coconut crunchy goodness.

160 pieces | $13.49 

Chick-o-Sticks vegan candy

3. Cocomels: for all your decadent caramel cravings... a little pricey but totally worth it (just check those reviews!)

12-15 pieces | $6.29

Cocomels vegan candy

4. Dots: these already come in cute mini boxes for your convenience.

16 mini boxes | $9.75

Dots vegan candy

5. Dum Dums: a lot of fun with 16 different flavors plus one mystery flavor. When you need bulk, you can't go wrong with these lollipops!

360 pieces | $24.63

Dum Dums vegan candy 

6. Hubba Bubbafor bubbles that are free of spooky animal ingredients.

18 pieces | $13.37

Hubba Bubba vegan gum 

7. Swedish Fish: the only kind of fish we like.

240 pieces | $10.02

 Swedish Fish vegan candy

8. Jolly Rancher Hard Candy: hard candy for tough peeps. 

+300 pieces per bag (2 bags) | $16.49

Jolly Rancher Hard Candy vegan candy

9. Jolly Rancher Lollipops: stay holiday appropriate with these cute spooky lollipops!

20 pieces per bag | $7.99

 Jolly Ranchers Lollipops Vegan Candy

10. Jujyfruits: we got your chewy candy cravings covered. 

12 Pack (180 pieces) | $13.79

Jujyfruits vegan candy 

11. Smarties: Keepin' it old school.

21 Rolls | $4.75

Smarties Vegan Candy

 12. Sour Patch Kidsfor that punch of flavor in a fun presentation.

 21 Pieces | $4.31

Sour Patch Kids Vegan Candy


13. Surf Sweets Organic Halloween: Yes, vegan gummy bears in treat packs!

60 Packs | $29.99

Surf Sweets Vegan Candy

We hope you have a blast the next Halloween! Get your spooky on with our new vegan shirt! Shop more vegan shirts and vegan clothing at The Dharma Store.

Milk Kills Vegan T-Shirt by The Dharma Store

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