Ultimate Guide to Vegan Ice Cream: Dairy-Free Delights

Ultimate Guide to Vegan Ice Cream: Dairy-Free Delights

The popularity of veganism has increased over the years, and many people have embraced this lifestyle for various reasons. Some choose to go vegan for health reasons, while others do it to minimize their environmental impact or for ethical reasons. Whatever the reason, a vegan lifestyle is not just limited to what you eat but also includes what you wear and use. Today we are going to talk about vegan ice cream, which has gained a lot of popularity in recent years.

What is Vegan Ice Cream?

Vegan ice cream is a type of ice cream that is made without any animal products such as milk, cream, or eggs. Instead, vegan ice cream is made with plant-based milk like almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, cashew milk, oat milk, or rice milk. These plant-based milks are mixed with natural sweeteners like agave, maple syrup, or coconut sugar and flavorings like vanilla, chocolate, or fruit.

Benefits of Vegan Ice Cream

There are several benefits of consuming vegan ice cream over traditional ice cream. Let's take a look at some of them.


Vegan ice cream is a great alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Traditional ice cream is made with milk, cream, and sometimes butter, which can cause digestive problems for some people.

Lower in Calories

Vegan ice cream is usually lower in calories than traditional ice cream, making it a great option for those who are watching their weight.

Better for the Environment

Traditional dairy farming is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Choosing vegan ice cream over traditional ice cream can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Types of Vegan Ice Cream

There are several types of vegan ice cream available in the market. Let's take a look at some of them.

Soy-Based Ice Cream

Soy-based ice cream is made with soy milk and is a great alternative for those who are allergic to nuts.

Nut-Based Ice Cream

Nut-based ice cream is made with almond milk, cashew milk, or coconut milk and is a great option for those who are lactose intolerant.

Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Coconut milk ice cream is made with coconut milk and is a great option for those who love the taste of coconut.

Oat Milk Ice Cream

Oat milk ice cream is made with oat milk and is a great option for those who are allergic to nuts and soy.

Banana Ice Cream

Banana ice cream is made by blending frozen bananas and is a great option for those who are looking for a low-calorie and dairy-free ice cream option.

Vegan Ice Cream Brands Broken Down by Milk Base

When it comes to vegan ice cream, there are a variety of options available to suit different tastes and dietary preferences. From soy-based to nut-based and oat milk-based, there's a vegan ice cream for everyone. In this segment, we'll be breaking down the different types of vegan ice cream brands based on their milk base.

Whether you're looking for a creamy coconut milk-based ice cream or a nutty almond milk-based option, we've got you covered. So, let's dive into the world of vegan ice cream and discover some delicious brands worth trying.

So Delicious (Soy and Coconut Milk-Based)

So Delicious is a popular brand that makes soy and coconut milk-based ice cream. They offer a wide variety of flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, mint chip, and cookie dough. Their ice cream is creamy and has a smooth texture. The flavors are also delicious and taste just like regular ice cream.

NadaMoo! (Coconut Milk and Nut-Based)

NadaMoo! makes vegan ice cream using coconut milk and nuts like almonds and cashews. They offer a variety of flavors, including mint chocolate chip, rocky road, and vanilla. Their ice cream is creamy and has a smooth texture. The flavors are also very rich and delicious.

Coconut Bliss (Coconut Milk and Nut-Based)

Coconut Bliss is another popular vegan ice cream brand that uses coconut milk and nuts like almonds and cashews. They offer a wide variety of flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, and salted caramel. Their ice cream is creamy and has a smooth texture. The flavors are also very delicious and taste just like regular ice cream.

Oatly (Oat Milk-Based)

Oatly is a vegan brand that makes ice cream using oat milk. They offer a variety of flavors, including chocolate fudge, vanilla, and strawberry. Their ice cream is creamy and has a smooth texture. The flavors are also very delicious and taste just like regular ice cream.

Ben & Jerry's (Oat Milk and Almond Milk-Based)

Ben & Jerry's is a well-known ice cream brand that now offers vegan options using oat milk and almond milk. They offer a variety of flavors, including chocolate fudge brownie, caramel almond brittle, and cherry Garcia. Their ice cream is creamy and has a smooth texture. The flavors are also very rich and delicious.

Yonanas (Banana-Based)

Yonanas is a unique brand that makes ice cream using only frozen bananas. Their ice cream is creamy and has a smooth texture. The flavors are also very delicious and taste just like regular ice cream. The best part about Yonanas is that it's low in calories and sugar, making it a healthy option for those who want to indulge in a sweet treat.

These are just a few examples of vegan ice cream brands available in the market. Each brand has its unique flavor and texture, so it's worth trying a few to see which one you like the most.

How to Make Vegan Ice Cream at Home

Making vegan ice cream at home is easy and fun. Here's a simple recipe that you can try at home.


  • 1 can of full-fat coconut milk
  • ½ cup of agave nectar or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Chill the coconut milk can in the refrigerator overnight.

  2. Open the can and scoop out the thick, creamy coconut cream on top.

  3. Add the coconut cream to a blender along with the agave nectar or maple syrup, vanilla extract, and salt. Blend until smooth.

  4. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  5. Once the ice cream is done, transfer it to a freezer-safe container and freeze for a few hours until it reaches the desired consistency.

Tips for Buying Vegan Ice Cream

If you're new to the world of vegan ice cream, here are some tips to help you choose the right product.

Read the Label

Always read the label before purchasing any vegan ice cream. Look for ingredients like plant-based milk, natural sweeteners, and flavorings.

Look for Quality

Look for high-quality ingredients and brands that have a good reputation. You want to make sure that the ice cream is made from the best ingredients to ensure great taste and texture.

Avoid Artificial Ingredients

Avoid vegan ice creams that have artificial ingredients or preservatives. These can be harmful to your health and can also affect the taste of the ice cream.

Consider Your Allergies

If you have a nut or soy allergy, make sure to choose an ice cream that does not contain those ingredients.

Try Different Flavors

Don't be afraid to try different flavors of vegan ice cream. There are many delicious options available, including chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and more.

Vegan ice cream is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional ice cream. It is made with plant-based milk and natural sweeteners, making it suitable for vegans and those with dietary restrictions. Vegan ice cream is also lower in calories, and better for the environment.

There are many types of vegan ice cream available in the market, including soy-based, nut-based, coconut milk, oat milk, and banana ice cream. Making vegan ice cream at home is also easy and fun. When buying vegan ice cream, always read the label, look for quality ingredients, avoid artificial ingredients, consider your allergies, and try different flavors. So, next time you're in the mood for ice cream, give vegan ice cream a try and enjoy a guilt-free and delicious treat!

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